English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord beteken "maarskalk" om iets in 'n bepaalde volgorde te rangskik of saam te stel of om iemand in 'n bepaalde rigting te lei of te lei.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "maarskalk" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse :'n Hooggeplaaste militêre offisier, soos 'n veldmaarskalk of 'n maarskalk van die lugmag.'n Federale wetstoepasser in die Verenigde State.'n Persoon wat 'n parade, seremonie of ander openbare geleentheid reël en toesig hou.'n Persoon wat verantwoordelik is vir die gladde verloop van 'n kompetisie, soos 'n perdeskou of hondeskou. 'n Titel wat aan sekere amptenare gegee word, soos die maarskalk van die Hooggeregshof of die maarskalk van die Diplomatieke Korps.

Sentence Examples

  1. Wild Bill Hickok served as marshal until he accidentally shot his friend, and a group of drunkards once tore down the jailhouse with their bare hands.
  2. The duke could not make out the reason why the battle did not go on but the marshal of the field hastened to him to let him know what Tosilos said, and he was amazed and extremely angry at it.
  3. Stormaway put up his hand to indicate that he was thinking and needed a moment to marshal his thoughts.
  4. The low whispers of the high marshal, the captain, and the woman clung to the whistling wind and Rune sat, listening to every word.
  5. He crossed the courtyard at a walk, and coming to where the duennas were placed stopped to look at her who demanded him for a husband the marshal of the field summoned Don Quixote, who had already presented himself in the courtyard, and standing by the side of Tosilos he addressed the duennas, and asked them if they consented that Don Quixote of La Mancha should do battle for their right.
  6. He slipped past a marshal at the door but got halted by another at the base of a wide staircase.
  7. I have an inspector verify the building is up to code, I contact our insurance company to give us a quote, I schedule a walk-through with the fire marshal, and hire a cleaning crew for before and after the event.
  8. Turning, Gudrun mustered up her best fake smile for Aaric and slipped out the door, leaving the high marshal alone with Kallan.
  9. An order to move the entire army could only come from the queen or the high marshal.
  10. Made a peer at the Restoration, I served through the first campaign under the orders of Marshal Bourmont.