English to afrikaans meaning of

Mars is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verskeie betekenisse kan hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:In die Romeinse mitologie was Mars die god van oorlog en die vader van Romulus en Remus, die legendariese stigters van Rome.Mars is die vierde planeet vanaf die son in die sonnestelsel, dikwels na verwys as die "Rooi Planeet" vanweë sy rooierige voorkoms in die naghemel.Mars kan ook verwys na 'n lekkergoedstafie wat deur Mars, Inc. , wat uit nougat, karamel en melksjokolade bestaan.As 'n werkwoord beteken "to mars" om iets te bederf of te verwoes, dikwels deur onverskillige of onnadenkende optrede. Hierdie gebruik is egter minder algemeen as die ander betekenisse hierbo gelys.

Sentence Examples

  1. They must be the two scientists-Leeke and his assistant Mars that Crash had mentioned.
  2. Thou dost mark well, faithful and trusty squire, the gloom of this night, its strange silence, the dull confused murmur of those trees, the awful sound of that water in quest of which we came, that seems as though it were precipitating and dashing itself down from the lofty mountains of the Moon, and that incessant hammering that wounds and pains our ears which things all together and each of itself are enough to instil fear, dread, and dismay into the breast of Mars himself, much more into one not used to hazards and adventures of the kind.
  3. I have more of arms than of letters in my composition, and, judging by my inclination to arms, was born under the influence of the planet Mars.
  4. Instead, she set about searching the ethernet for proper escape music, or maybe what she needed was a direct link to the mind of a footballer on Mars sprinting in low gravity that would lift her heart.
  5. After that he sat up and gazed about him, as might the first man of the earth who landed upon Mars.
  6. They have likewise discovered two lesser stars, or satellites, which revolve about Mars whereof the innermost is distant from the center of the primary planet exactly three of the diameters, and the outermost, five the former revolves in the space of ten hours, and the latter in twenty-one and a half so that the squares of their periodical times are very near in the same proportion with the cubes of their distance from the center of Mars which evidently shows them to be governed by the same law of gravitation that influences the other heavenly bodies.
  7. Just two weeks before launch, listening stations on Earth detected the unmistakable sound of an explosion, which they believed originated somewhere between Mars and Jupiter.
  8. But the first man on Mars would have experienced less unfamiliarity than did he.
  9. It could have really been anyone, but at least we eliminated creatures from Mars as suspects.