English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bemand" is:(van 'n voertuig of struktuur) wat deur een of meer mense, veral vlieëniers of bemanningslede, bestuur of beheer word, soos gekant daarteen om outomaties of deur afstandbeheer bestuur te word.(van 'n plek of aktiwiteit) wat deur mense beman of bestuur word, veral in 'n militêre of wetenskaplike konteks.Byvoorbeeld, "Die ruimtetuig is deur 'n bemanning van ruimtevaarders beman," of "Die veiligheidskontrolepunt is deur gewapende wagte beman."

Sentence Examples

  1. They were topped by the occasional turret and manned by Russian guards.
  2. Two days afterwards the renegade put to sea in a light vessel of six oars a-side manned by a stout crew, and two days later the galleys made sail eastward, the general having begged the viceroy to let him know all about the release of Don Gregorio and about Ana Felix, and the viceroy promised to do as he requested.
  3. Entering the city later in the afternoon, knowing the guards who manned the posts would be exhausted, and more importantly, bored from the numbing routines of inspecting one caravan after another all day long, offered us an easier entrance.
  4. A chubby guard who manned the desk near the lift ignored them as they approached.
  5. The others remained below deck, except Kyle, who manned the sails.
  6. Ricote offered for that object more than two thousand ducats that he had in pearls and gems they proposed several plans, but none so good as that suggested by the renegade already mentioned, who offered to return to Algiers in a small vessel of about six banks, manned by Christian rowers, as he knew where, how, and when he could and should land, nor was he ignorant of the house in which Don Gaspar was staying.
  7. Two girls manned the reception desk, both aged between fifteen and twenty, with flouncy dresses and flowers in their hair.
  8. My men were sent by an equal division into both the pirate ships, and my sloop new manned.
  9. A surly youth with numerous piercings manned the reception desk.
  10. The gates would be manned, the streets patrolled, and the pubs filled with soldiers, all of whom would recognize the mark on his face.

TV Series Examples



The Starks have manned the Wall