English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "hoof" het verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:Belangrikste of hoof in rang, belangrikheid of posisie Voorbeeld: Die hoofrede vir sy sukses was harde werk.Hoof in grootte, omvang of belangrikheid; skoolhoof; lei Voorbeeld: Die hoofstraat in die dorp is altyd besig.Verbind met of behoort aan die see; nautiese Voorbeeld: Hy het as 'n hoofingenieur op 'n vragskip gewerk.'n Pyp, buis of kabel vir die vervoer van vloeistowwe of elektriese krag Voorbeeld: Die hoofwaterlyn na die huis is beskadig.Die hoof of sterkste deel van iets, veral 'n rivier of pad Voorbeeld: Die hoofkanaal van die rivier is deur omgevalle bome versper.

Sentence Examples

  1. Kellan, my protagonist, is a thirtyish single father, whereas traditionally a woman is the main character.
  2. Markos, Ellen, Lenny and I hovered around the main office the following afternoon, all in varying degrees of tiredness.
  3. The buildings and extensive grounds are as gorgeous as the artwork and because it received a grant from the Walton Family Foundation, entrance fees are waived to the main exhibit space.
  4. The main gates had been wrought into the forms of crashing waves that gave Kila the creepy sensation they were about to sweep him away, and the farther they proceeded into the enclave, the more he felt like he was being sucked into a current.
  5. I made for a main road, weaving in and out of the crowd, and veering into a side street alongside a hover-car transit point.
  6. All the houses were grand and loomed high between Main Street and the Wharton Mountains in the background.
  7. At least until a high-ranking Alliance official is murdered, and Ada is arrested as the main suspect.
  8. They were the main family who ran the Los Angeles mob.
  9. Someone had taken my phone away, and the main part of the Chameleon must have fallen out of my pocket at some point.
  10. It was thick as smoke here on the main road they used magic-based engines to power their vehicles.