English to afrikaans meaning of

Daar is eintlik verskeie definisies van die woord "foelie" afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:'n Swaar knuppel of aflosstokkie met 'n spike of flenskop, gebruik as 'n wapen of 'n simbool van gesag.'n Spesery gemaak van die gedroogde buitenste bedekking van die neutmuskaatsaad.'n Seremoniƫle staf wat as 'n simbool van gesag gedra word, tipies deur 'n burgerlike of koninklike amptenaar.'n Chemiese spuitmiddel wat gebruik word vir self- verdediging of skarebeheer.Ek hoop dit help! Laat weet my as jy enige ander vrae het.

Sentence Examples

  1. Kicking Mace into action, he headed directly for the white horse.
  2. With a herculean swing of his mace, he struck his opponent.
  3. During this time the executioner had raised his mace, and signed to them to get out of the way the criminal strove to rise, but, ere he had time, the mace fell on his left temple.
  4. Draco carried a mace, a heavy clublike weapon with metal tipped ends.
  5. Sian jerked to the side just in time before a mace smashed down.
  6. What must have been thousands of people were grouped off into pairs and seemingly engaged in combat, wielding mostly blades with the occasional lance or mace or axe spotted here and there.
  7. Grunting, she heaved herself to her feet and whipped out the dagger Cat had given her, thrusting it into the throat of the mace wielder.
  8. Raising my hand in the air, I fired a jet-stream of mace into his face and then swung the bat.
  9. The top ended with a blade and the bottom had a spiked mace.
  10. But Kerdred and Mace were equal to everything Darius threw at him.