English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "stilte" is om iemand of iets te kalmeer of te kalmeer, veral tot 'n toestand van rus of slaap. Dit kan ook 'n tydelike pouse of afname in aktiwiteit of intensiteit beteken, wat dikwels gebruik word in die frase "stilte in die storm."


  1. letup

Sentence Examples

  1. Inevitably, someone noticed him standing there and almost immediately there was a lull in the conversation.
  2. There was a lull after this and Tarkyn spotted members of the family exchanging surreptitious glances as they reached for a bottle or more food.
  3. The airport we had flown out of had been sunny and expansive, designed to put tourists at ease and lull them into spending their money.
  4. My best chance was to lull my captors into letting their guard down and wait for my opportunity.
  5. The night was, as has been said, dark, and they had happened to reach a spot in among some tall trees, whose leaves stirred by a gentle breeze made a low ominous sound so that, what with the solitude, the place, the darkness, the noise of the water, and the rustling of the leaves, everything inspired awe and dread more especially as they perceived that the strokes did not cease, nor the wind lull, nor morning approach to all which might be added their ignorance as to where they were.
  6. He settled into the lull before grad school, unnerved by the open space that was freedom, in all its possibilities.
  7. There was a lull in the conversation as the roasted meat was taken off the fire and thick slices were handed around with small, soft loaves of warm bread.
  8. I looked in on her during one lull about midday, and she just blew her bangs out of her eyes with a slow, deep breathe.
  9. But after a few minutes everyone stops talking and a lull settles over the group.
  10. Occasionally, a verse or two of the dreadful ditty carried through the caves to wake Kallan or lull her to sleep.