English to afrikaans meaning of

Daar is 'n paar verskillende betekenisse of assosiasies wat met die naam of woord "Lucas" geassosieer kan word, so ek sal 'n paar verskillende definisies en interpretasies verskaf:'n Manlike voornaam van Latynse oorsprong, wat "lig" of "verligting" beteken.'n Van van Engelse oorsprong, afgelei van die voornaam Luke of Lucas.'n Handelsnaam vir bymiddels vir motor-enjinolie en ander smeerprodukte.'n Filmfranchise geskep deur George Lucas, insluitend die oorspronklike Star Wars-trilogie sowel as latere voorverhale en vervolgverhale.'n Karakternaam in verskeie fiksiewerke, insluitend die hoofkarakter van die videospeletjiereeks "Mother" en die 2019-film "The Farewell."


  1. george lucas

Sentence Examples

  1. A short, thin woman with a busy air, introducing herself as Mrs Lucas, hair tied back in a grey bun, invited him indoors.
  2. I had the driver wait outside whilst I collected my belongings from Mrs Lucas.
  3. He grilled Mrs Lucas, who denied all knowledge of the missing item.
  4. But, I was named after George Lucas, I have the same middle name as Captain Kirk, and my last name matches a movie star.
  5. In truth, the person who needed comforting was Mrs Lucas, who was feeling self-disgust, and her honesty reduced to something like the smallest doll in a nest of Russian Matryoshka dolls.
  6. Ozzie shrugged and tossed a couple of towels to Iszak and Lucas, who began drying and putting away the dishes.
  7. All this information she communicated to the police in Pickering, and within the hour a police car pulled up outside her gate and Mrs Lucas admitted an officer into her house.
  8. Mrs Lucas, as instructed, phoned Mr Hibbitt with that information.
  9. Suddenly Lucas was thirteen, ten a small shaking kid in the clutches of Billy.
  10. It was she who put the detective on to Mrs Lucas, who when confronted by the inspector and a woman police officer and realising her friend, Maggie Hodges, had cooperated with the police, did the same.