English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "loon" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:'n Groot duikvoël met 'n lang nek, 'n reguit puntige snawel en kort vlerke wat ver agteroor gesit is op die liggaam, tipies gevind in noordelike dele van die wêreld.'n Dwaas of dwase persoon; 'n gek; 'n mal of kranksinnige persoon.'n Britse en Kanadese omgangstaal vir 'n geldeenheid denominasie van onderskeidelik een pond of een dollar.(Obsolete) 'n Gereedskap wat gebruik word vir weef of naaldwerk.Die betekenis van die woord "loon" in 'n gegewe konteks sal afhang van die spesifieke gebruik en die beoogde interpretasie van die spreker of skrywer.


  1. diver

Sentence Examples

  1. The idea of a man of sense running about a woman, playing a guitar for her, making up to her like a loon when everyone knows his intention!
  2. I am no more lonely than the loon in the pond that laughs so loud, or than Walden Pond itself.
  3. This eccentric old loon who spent one minute seeing monsters in the dark, and the other acting the wise, soothing grandfather.
  4. She found me interesting and dangerous, but she assumed that I was a loon.
  5. They come rustling through the woods like autumn leaves, at least ten men to one loon.
  6. Chris might think I was a loon, but he readily agreed that gravestones were cool.
  7. This druggie loon was dumber than the locked lugnuts.
  8. I acted like a loon because I was jealous and afraid of losing you.
  9. Before long it was a full-on chase through the streets of Crail, heedless of the fact that I was running around like a loon after a woman I hardly knew in broad daylight.
  10. But now the kind October wind rises, rustling the leaves and rippling the surface of the water, so that no loon can be heard or seen, though his foes sweep the pond with spy-glasses, and make the woods resound with their discharges.