English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "langer" is die vergelykende vorm van die byvoeglike naamwoord "lank." Dit beteken om 'n groter lengte of duur as iets anders te hê. Byvoorbeeld, as jy sê "hierdie tou is langer as daardie tou," sê jy dat die eerste tou 'n groter lengte as die tweede tou het. Net so, as jy sê "Ek het 'n langer pouse nodig", bedoel jy dat jy 'n pouse nodig het wat langer duur as jou huidige pouse.

Sentence Examples

  1. Rather than hold the class for an hour three times per week, Abby had opted for one longer lecture where they could watch various television programs and compare writing styles and format.
  2. When I arrived at Diamond Hall, things were no longer cordoned off, yet a sign still indicated classes were held elsewhere.
  3. The staff meeting ran longer than expected, and I forgot to bring lunch.
  4. In the past few weeks, it had relaxed to the point that being called into her office no longer felt like my career was on the line.
  5. I took the longer route as I had several minutes before it was time to meet Striker.
  6. My eyes ached too much to keep open any longer, and the world faded away.
  7. She accused me of wishing her off to an early grave, but I assured her I only meant if she no longer had a reason to keep it.
  8. No longer interested in worsening my mood by talking to the sheriff, I pushed that task off until the following day.
  9. I stood, no longer caring if movement got me hit, and grabbed the door, shoving at it.
  10. Connor stepped out of his office, no longer looking uncomfortable in a tan suit and Braxton tie now he busted out of his sports coat and jeans.

TV Series Examples



we are no longer a house to be feared.