English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "log" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Gedeelte van 'n boomstam wat gesny en voorberei is vir gebruik as brandstof of vir boumateriaal.'n Geskrewe rekord van gebeure of aksies, tipies opgeteken in chronologiese volgorde.'n Toestel wat gebruik word om die spoed en afstand wat deur 'n skip of vliegtuig afgelê word, te meet.'n Groot , swaar voorwerp wat gebruik word om iets in plek te hou, soos 'n deurstop of 'n gewig wat gebruik word om 'n net of vislyn onder water te hou.As 'n werkwoord kan "log" beteken:Om bome af te kap vir gebruik as hout of brandstof.Om data of inligting in 'n log of rekord in te voer.Om 'n sekere afstand te reis, tipies per skip of vliegtuig.Om die tyd wat aan 'n spesifieke aktiwiteit of taak bestee word aan te teken.

Sentence Examples

  1. The log indicated a mean speed of between eight and nine miles.
  2. I giggle watching Winnie mentally log this information, nodding her head back and forth like those dogs you place on windshields.
  3. As I cried out, the massive log smashed into my head.
  4. After several failed attempts, we finally crawled up and over the biggest log jam of all.
  5. Sinking my fingers into the springy moss, I peered over the top of the highest log.
  6. By evening, the log showed that two hundred and twenty miles had been accomplished from Hong Kong, and Mr.
  7. My father was passionate about keeping the authenticity of a traditional log cabin while my mom required all the modern conveniences.
  8. Shaking, as if I was eternally ensnared in a Clonic seizure, I peeked over the log again and spied the wild cat.
  9. We were in a secluded area of the creek, and even though we could hear the mighty waters crashing above us, a huge log jam blocked our view of the falls.
  10. I pressed my mouth into the log and allowed the spongy lichen to absorb my cries of horror.