English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gelaai" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Byvoeglike naamwoord: dra 'n groot hoeveelheid van iets, gewoonlik 'n swaar voorwerp of 'n wapen Voorbeeld: Die soldaat is met uitrusting gelaai.Byvoeglike naamwoord: baie geld of besittings hê; ryk Voorbeeld: Hy is 'n gelaaide sakeman wat 'n Ferrari bestuur.Byvoeglike naamwoord: bevat baie iets, gewoonlik inligting of detail Voorbeeld: Daardie boek is gelaai met fassinerende feite.Byvoeglike naamwoord: beïnvloed deur alkohol of dwelms; besope Voorbeeld: Die kroegman het geweier om hom te dien omdat hy reeds gelaai was.Byvoeglike naamwoord: gemanipuleer of bevooroordeeld ten gunste van een party; onregverdig Voorbeeld: Die regter is beskuldig van 'n gelaaide beslissing in die saak.Byvoeglike naamwoord: met 'n kamer wat met ammunisie gelaai is; gereed om te vuur Voorbeeld: Hy het sy gelaaide geweer op die indringer gerig.Byvoeglike naamwoord: gevul met 'n bepaalde emosie of gevoel Voorbeeld: Sy was gelaai met woede nadat daar vir haar gelieg is.Byvoeglike naamwoord: stampvol of stampvol met mense of dinge Voorbeeld: Die bus was gelaai met passasiers.

Sentence Examples

  1. While Striker loaded his backpack, I seized my opportunity.
  2. Some professors recorded the grades in their books in case students asked before I loaded the details into the computer.
  3. The officer was reduced to a snail jog and almost tripped as he equipped his taser from his leg, it was black and yellow and loaded.
  4. Her head and neck, shoulders, ears, arms, hands, and toes were loaded down with jewels and gems with bracelets, earrings, and rings while a tunic bordered with gold, and covered with a light muslin robe, betrayed the outline of her form.
  5. It was loaded to the muzzle but just as the pilot was about to apply a red-hot coal to the touchhole, Mr.
  6. Richard leant against the partly loaded cart and watched as Jack stabbed another forkful of hay to death before loading it into the cart.
  7. The horses he led behind him were already saddled and loaded with their possessions.
  8. I fed him first, then we loaded into the truck and took a slow drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway.
  9. The torrent of men, armed with loaded canes and sticks, was irresistible.
  10. Heading through the house, I pass Bill loaded up with shopping bags.