English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "livery" is:'n Spesiale uniform of kleredrag wat deur 'n persoon gedra word, veral diegene in die diensbedryf of in diens van 'n bepaalde organisasie of huishouding.Die kenmerkende drag, kenteken of embleem van 'n bepaalde groep, organisasie of familie.'n Stal waar perde en voertuie aangehou word, veral dié wat deur 'n bepaalde persoon of organisasie besit word. Die voer, stal en versorging van perde teen betaling.Die gebruik van 'n voertuig, veral 'n motor, vir 'n bepaalde doel, soos om te huur of as deel van 'n vloot.

Sentence Examples

  1. As I ascend the grand steps to the house an unfamiliar servant in gold-frogged livery is in the hallway making space on the portrait wall.
  2. Warriors wearing the livery of the royal house demanded to know our purpose in the city.
  3. The livery of those who rode for the House of Hamal.
  4. Friendship, return to us, or force the cheat That wears it now, thy livery to restore, By aid whereof sincerity is slain.
  5. Oh, could mine but acquire that livery Of countless charms thy mind and body show so!
  6. Dressed in finely crafted chain mail with an ornate blue and silver livery partially hiding the mail from view, Longhair stood in the crowd with arms folded across his chest and a dark scowl on his handsome face.
  7. Behind the guards marched six drummers wearing the livery of Mulin Pah, their drums beating the slow pulse of a funeral dirge.
  8. He is at a livery stable in the Rue Dubourg, just by.
  9. The design of the blue and silver livery Longhair wore designated the House of Decidius.
  10. Covering his chain mail was dark maroon-and-gray silk livery with the Clan Hartooth coat of arms, that of a flying Winged Beastie with flames roaring from its mouth and with its front claws raised toward an unseen foe, stitched in silver wire adorning his right shoulder.