English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verlig" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:Byvoeglike naamwoord: verlig of helder verlig, soos in "Die straat is verlig met helder ligte."Byvoeglike naamwoord: opgewonde of besope, soos in "Die partytjie was aangesteek en almal het lekker gekuier."Adjektief: uitstekend of ongelooflik, soos in "Daardie konsert was aangesteek! Ek het soveel pret gehad." Werkwoord: verlede tyd van "lig", soos in "Hy het die kers aangesteek en dit op die tafel geplaas."Let daarop dat die derde definisie 'n meer onlangse slenggebruik is wat het gewild geword in informele kontekste, veral onder jonger mense.


  1. lighted

Sentence Examples

  1. In the next glade, the forest was lit by a hundred sparkling lights as fairies flashed to and fro or else capered through the flowerbeds.
  2. Through corridors they went, some lit by flickering torches others by fluorescent balls of light within the walls themselves.
  3. The lit interior is a little emporium of leftovers and small treats.
  4. Some passageways had levitating balls of electricity that lit the area from up high.
  5. My skin buzzed, like a mild shock from the stunner, as we followed a path through the winding corridors of the first floor, lit by the faint bluish glow from the walls and floor.
  6. This one ran the length of the Archives and was sparsely lit.
  7. She filled his life, lit up his days, and inspired in him more physical and mental passion than he had ever imagined he could feel for another person.
  8. Trouble was, it was always there, as irresistible as a drug, and about as safe as juggling lit matches.
  9. The magic charge was so strong, the air lit up inside with lightning, red as blood.
  10. A smattering of red dots lit up the globe, signalling magic users.

TV Series Examples



and lit them on fire.