English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "lelie" is 'n blomplant met groot spoggerige blomme, tipies trompetvormig, en 'n lang, skraal stam. Die lelie word dikwels geassosieer met reinheid, skoonheid en onskuld en is 'n gewilde simbool in baie kulture en gelowe. Daar is baie verskillende soorte lelies, insluitend die Paaslelie, die Tierlelie en die Calla-lelie.

Sentence Examples

  1. I had adjusted my bag but I still held the bundle from Lily.
  2. Lily began to part in the opposite direction, Mara following close behind.
  3. Even Vali and Lily were seated only a few spots down at the same long table.
  4. Lily stared at pictures of him on social media all the time.
  5. Lily appeared at the head of the path as we left the warm springs behind us.
  6. He went to and fro, as if patrolling the house, and was never out of sight of the room where Lucy lay in her coffin, strewn with the wild garlic flowers, which sent, through the odour of lily and rose, a heavy, overpowering smell into the night.
  7. She had been half asleep, thinking about the paintings at the Art Institute, as if she were in them, floating on a Monet lily pad, running through the smooth green melon-shaped hills of a Grant Wood painting.
  8. Their bright yellow, red, and orange blossoms peeked out from between round leaves that looked like pale green lily pads.
  9. Lily had been quick on our heels, something wrapped tightly in her arms.
  10. Lily makes an almost deadly mistake, and Jake has a mysterious past that has come back to haunt him.