English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "gelieg" kan verskillende betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Lieg is 'n soort Duitse kunsliedjie, tipies geskryf vir 'n solostem met klavierbegeleiding.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Gelieg is 'n leuen of onwaarheid.(werkwoord) Om te lieg beteken om 'n leuen of onwaarheid te vertel.(werkwoord) Om te lieg kan ook beteken om in 'n horisontale posisie te leun of te rus.Die mees algemene betekenis van "lieg" is waarskynlik die tweede een, wat na 'n valsheid of onwaarheid verwys.

Sentence Examples

  1. Had he lied about it and driven to Pineview that night instead?
  2. What if he suspected she had lied to him and asked her to tell him her real name or where she was really from?
  3. Two days later the duke told Don Quixote that in four days from that time his opponent would present himself on the field of battle armed as a knight, and would maintain that the damsel lied by half a beard, nay a whole beard, if she affirmed that he had given her a promise of marriage.
  4. She had never lied to her father before, but certainly could not tell him all of what had happened after that.
  5. There was only one reason for this that I could think of-he had lied to me.
  6. He said he would have lied about Tom going to Pineview if he had to.
  7. They told you exactly what they meant and never lied.
  8. Why had she lied about a husband or beau, or not mentioned that her rapist was black?
  9. I also needed to let Connor know Coach Oliver had lied to me about how well he knew Abby.
  10. Yet you lied when you said you were okay with Batman.

TV Series Examples



They must have lied to him -