English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van "aanspreeklik" is "wetlik verantwoordelik of verantwoordbaar; sal waarskynlik iets onaangenaams doen of daardeur geraak word." Dit kan ook beteken "om 'n neiging of geneigdheid te hê om iets te doen; onderhewig aan of vatbaar vir iets."


  1. apt

Sentence Examples

  1. Upon the whole, no person could be less liable than myself to be led away from the severe precincts of truth by the ignes fatui of superstition.
  2. Any one so constituted will readily so conduct himself, upon occasion of real excitement, as to render himself liable to suspicion on the part of the over acute, or the ill-disposed.
  3. And, knowing the extent of his personal acquaintance with others, and of others with him, he compares his notoriety with that of the perfumery-girl, finds no great difference between them, and reaches at once the conclusion that she, in her walks, would be equally liable to recognition with himself in his.
  4. Should I avoid claiming a property of so great value, which it is known that I possess, I will render the animal at least, liable to suspicion.
  5. I thought it better to wait, however, before making so grave a statement, for of old I knew the sudden changes to which this particular patient was liable.
  6. Weston, indifferent as to how his conduct might appear in general he became liable to all these charges.
  7. Anselmo believed him, and to afford him an opportunity more free and less liable to surprise, he resolved to absent himself from his house for eight days, betaking himself to that of a friend of his who lived in a village not far from the city and, the better to account for his departure to Camilla, he so arranged it that the friend should send him a very pressing invitation.
  8. A virtuous woman, too, is like a mirror, of clear shining crystal, liable to be tarnished and dimmed by every breath that touches it.
  9. And as I looked at her, though I never saw her appear to more advantage, it struck me that she was heated, and would therefore be particularly liable to take cold.
  10. But my chief anxiety was concerning the balloon, which, in spite of the varnish with which it was defended, began to grow rather heavy with the moisture the powder also was liable to damage.