English to afrikaans meaning of

Lepanto verwys na 'n pleknaam, spesifiek 'n stad in Griekeland, en die naam van 'n beroemde vlootgeveg wat op 7 Oktober 1571 in die Golf van Patras, naby die stad Lepanto, plaasgevind het (Nafpaktos in moderne Grieks) . Die woord Lepanto self is afgelei van die Italiaanse naam vir die stad, wat Lepanto of Santa Maura is.Oor die algemeen word die term "Lepanto" dikwels gebruik om te verwys na die seegeveg tussen die Christelike magte van die Heilige Liga, gelei deur Spanje, Venesiƫ en die Pouslike State, en die Ottomaanse Ryk. Die geveg word beskou as een van die belangrikste vlootbetrekkinge in die geskiedenis, aangesien dit 'n beslissende oorwinning vir die Christelike magte was en verhoed het dat die Ottomaanse Ryk verder na Europa uitbrei.


  1. battle of lepanto

Sentence Examples

  1. But I can say this much, that the choice he made of going to the wars was attended with such success, that by his gallant conduct and courage, and without any help save his own merit, he rose in a few years to be captain of infantry, and to see himself on the high-road and in position to be given the command of a corps before long but Fortune was against him, for where he might have expected her favour he lost it, and with it his liberty, on that glorious day when so many recovered theirs, at the battle of Lepanto.
  2. It may well have been the latter, for it was a stirring time the events, however, which led to the alliance between Spain, Venice, and the Pope, against the common enemy, the Porte, and to the victory of the combined fleets at Lepanto, belong rather to the history of Europe than to the life of Cervantes.
  3. de Beaufort would lay his hands on all the riches pirates had robbed Christendom of since the battle of Lepanto.