English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "lengte" is die meting of omvang van iets van punt tot einde, gewoonlik in 'n reguit lyn. Dit kan ook verwys na die hoeveelheid tyd wat iets duur, of die hoeveelheid materiaal wat nodig is om 'n sekere area of spasie te bedek of te vul. Boonop kan "lengte" gebruik word om die kwaliteit van lank of omvangryk te beskryf, of die mate waarin iemand 'n doelwit of doelwit najaag.

Sentence Examples

  1. At some points, it was just a few poems or short stories at others, it was full length novels and stories.
  2. Its ears were the same length as its rocklike face.
  3. At least, the ceiling appeared the same height as the length of the floor, both ways.
  4. The feeling of the length of her body against his made him shudder.
  5. Lowering herself to a beam spanning the length of the warehouse, she hugged it, shimmying along until she was close enough to hear.
  6. Red carpets ran the length of the corridor and elaborate statues and ornaments adorned the walls.
  7. I jogged the length of the fence and stopped at the corner to figure out my next move.
  8. Knee length, brown, it wraps almost twice around my body and smells of something like Brut.
  9. She also noticed the fine white scars across his back, littering the length of his spine.
  10. This one ran the length of the Archives and was sparsely lit.