English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "wettig" hou verband met die wet of in ooreenstemming met die wet. Dit verwys na optrede, situasies of gedrag wat deur die wet toegelaat of erken word. Byvoorbeeld, "Hy was wetlik gemagtig om die eiendom te verkoop" beteken dat hy die wetlike reg gehad het om die eiendom te verkoop. "Regtig bindend" verwys na 'n ooreenkoms of kontrak wat deur die wet afdwingbaar is. "Reglik verantwoordelik" verwys na om aanspreeklik te wees vir 'n mens se optrede volgens die wet.

Sentence Examples

  1. A popular referendum will determine whether Texas remains a part of the United States, or again legally becomes the Lone Star Republic.
  2. All while he was still legally married, though the idea of contracts and courts meant nothing anymore.
  3. But it seemed likely that in the future, she would provide even more tests for him as the person legally responsible for her.
  4. When apartheid went away, the residents of these townships could legally move elsewhere.
  5. This the director refused, as the matter concerned the London office, which alone could legally deliver the warrant.
  6. It stated that Earth humans who went with Verdantes would become legally owned by them, relieving the Earth governments of any legal liability.
  7. It is a maxim among these men that whatever has been done before may legally be done again, and therefore they take special care to record all the decisions formerly made, even those which have through ignorance or corruption contradicted the rules of common justice.