English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "leun" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar dit verwys gewoonlik na 'n neiging, neiging of voorkeur na iets.Byvoorbeeld, in 'n fisiese sin, leun kan verwys na die handeling om 'n mens se liggaam of voorwerp in 'n bepaalde rigting te kantel of te kantel.In figuurlike sin kan "leun" gebruik word om iemand se voorkeur of neiging tot 'n bepaalde idee, opinie of geloof. Byvoorbeeld, jy kan sê dat iemand 'n "leun na konserwatisme" het as hulle geneig is om konserwatiewe politieke sienings te ondersteun.Oor die algemeen beskryf "leun" tipies 'n gedeeltelike of subjektiewe voorkeur vir iets, hetsy in 'n fisiese of abstrakte sin.

Sentence Examples

  1. Brooke turned to see Sintian Stray leaning against the castle wall.
  2. Leaning forward in her chair, Cianne stared at him.
  3. She felt herself leaning in before she knew what she was doing.
  4. Leaning against the wall was none other than Arantay.
  5. I recall the many hours Celestino spent in the following weeks designing the new board, with Gloria leaning over him engaged in every step the day he brought it over to Máguez for a trial run, and everyone agreed it was much better than the original.
  6. He was leaning against the far wall, staring at her.
  7. Carmine smirks proudly, leaning back in his chair.
  8. As the gift size increases so does the value, my parents indulging Gloria with an arts and crafts kit in its own special carry case, a memory game, a toy toolset with workbench, and finally, leaning against the wall beside the table, a heavy duty, plastic cubby house.
  9. He caught himself leaning in even closer, drawing in a deeper breath than normal.
  10. She was leaning over her table in an exaggerated way, either telling a secret or whispering sweet nothings.