English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "pamflet" is 'n klein gedrukte of geskrewe vel papier of 'n brosjure wat inligting bevat oor 'n spesifieke onderwerp of gebeurtenis en bedoel is vir verspreiding. Dit word gewoonlik gebruik as 'n manier om mense oor 'n spesifieke onderwerp of produk te adverteer, in te lig of opdrag te gee. Pamflette kan enkel- of veelvuldige bladsye wees, en kan in verskillende groottes, kleure en formate gedruk word. Hulle word dikwels met die hand versprei, deur die pos, of in openbare plekke gelaat vir mense om af te haal.


  1. cusp

Sentence Examples

  1. Jake folded the leaflet, pocketed it, then left the house of worship behind.
  2. All that talk in the car about getting more involved, and here I am about to be seconded to a leaflet drop.
  3. But what really excited him was the printed leaflet he took in exchange for a small offering.
  4. As he refreshed himself, he took out the leaflet and read about King Aldfrith, whose wounds were inflicted at the Battle of Ebberston.
  5. Reaching out, he picked up a glossy leaflet promoting the facilities.
  6. The moment they were gone, Celestino crunched the leaflet in his hand and tossed it on the ground behind him.
  7. The box is heavy, but not as much as those leaflet boxes I lugged around earlier.
  8. He tossed the leaflet aside and decided to shower and find out more about the man the next day in the university.
  9. They quizzed Celestino on his methods, his background, his entire creative life story, then without making a purchase the woman handed Celestino a leaflet advertising an art exhibition, telling him he should get himself down to Arrecife to check it out.
  10. He had read a leaflet for tourists about Ebberston Hall from among those supplied by Gwen.