English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord het "lead" veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, waarvan sommige is:Om iemand of iets na 'n bestemming, rigting of aksie te lei of te rig. Om in beheer of bevel van 'n groep, organisasie of projek te wees.Om die weg te wys of op te tree as 'n pionier in 'n spesifieke veld.Om 'n bepaalde kwaliteit, invloed of effek op iets.As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "lood" ook verskeie woordeboekbetekenisse, waarvan sommige is:'n Swaar , sagte, blougrys metaalelement wat hoogs smeebaar en rekbaar is.'n Posisie van voordeel, meerderwaardigheid of beheer in 'n kompetisie of kompetisie.Die hoofdeel of afdeling van 'n potlood, pen of ander skryfinstrument.'n Buigsame metaaldraad wat gebruik word om elektriese toestelle of komponente te koppel.

Sentence Examples

  1. Evan spotted another flying billboard where a guitar wielding Padrake stood amidst a rock band, with a banshee lead singer.
  2. It was impossible, his leg was on fire and his head was as heavy as lead.
  3. Elijah continued to lead her through the vast castle, down staircases that changed drastically from one another.
  4. I followed up on your lead about Coach Oliver being near the crime scene.
  5. In Archives they were told how the fairies would lead you back to the Fortress if you asked.
  6. Perhaps the goatee was making a comeback, or maybe he was hoping to lead the pack.
  7. She avoided taking the route that would lead her past the Archives, preferring not to bump into Sintian.
  8. I believe in you and will do whatever it takes to help you take the lead spot.
  9. The series of narrow corridors were dark and silent, but it would lead him straight to the Novice rooms.
  10. I pause in my explanations, take his hand and lead him into the group.

TV Series Examples



He will lead no armies



l will lead the van



He couldn't lead an army



lf l'm going to lead this army, l can't have



Your older brother was trained to lead