English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "luiheid" is die kwaliteit van onwillig om te werk of energie te gebruik; ledigheid, traagheid of traagheid. Dit verwys na die onwilligheid of gebrek aan motivering om aan fisiese of geestelike aktiwiteite deel te neem, wat dikwels uitstel en verminderde produktiwiteit tot gevolg het.

Sentence Examples

  1. He lost all patience when he considered the laziness and want of charity of his squire Sancho for to the best of his belief he had only given himself five lashes, a number paltry and disproportioned to the vast number required.
  2. Our hands are idle here, and lest they learn to eat the bread of laziness, we have set the disciples to work deepening its channel into a cistern.
  3. That night the housekeeper burned to ashes all the books that were in the yard and in the whole house and some must have been consumed that deserved preservation in everlasting archives, but their fate and the laziness of the examiner did not permit it, and so in them was verified the proverb that the innocent suffer for the guilty.