English to afrikaans meaning of

Lava (selfstandige naamwoord):Gesmelte rots wat uit 'n vulkaan vloei tydens 'n uitbarsting.Die rots wat gevorm word wanneer gesmelte rots afkoel en stol, tipies met 'n growwe of gekartelde tekstuur.Enige vloeibare of halfvloeibare stof wat warm, gloei of vloeiend is, wat in voorkoms of konsekwentheid soos gesmelte rots lyk.Voorbeeldsinne:Die lawa het langs die kant van die vulkaan afgevloei en 'n skouspelagtige vertoning van gesmelte rots geskep.Die stappers was verstom deur die growwe tekstuur van die afgekoelde lawa op die vulkaan se hange .Die smid het 'n oond gebruik om die metaal te verhit totdat dit in 'n gloeiende, gesmelte lawa-agtige stof verander het.Die warm kaas het uit die pizza gevloei, wat soos lawa gelyk het. oor die bord versprei.Die sjokolade-lawakoek het 'n klewerige, gesmelte middel gehad wat uitgevloei het toe dit oopgesny is.

Sentence Examples

  1. The dog joined me as the farmland gave way to lava scree on both sides of the road, or at least, that was when I became aware of a scrawny, bedraggled-looking mongrel trailing behind.
  2. Vineyards planted right to the edge of the lava plains of Timanfaya.
  3. Suddenly the stinger squirted out a blob of blue lava, but silver-hair rolled away and beneath her enormous body, slashing at her abdomen with rapid precision.
  4. Making his literary hiatus even worse, his visit to the aljibe at La Corona yesterday proved an arduous trek across acres of lava rubble, and when at last he arrived at the base of the volcano he found himself in an exposed, windswept locale.
  5. Leaving Tenesar behind, facing the lava scree of the land, and again I hope the only vehicle I encounter is a hire car driven by an intrepid tourist.
  6. Magma dribbling across the ground was a constant, bright green or a deep red although more times than not the red lava was usually blood instead.
  7. Molten blue lava rolled down ruined rock, trickling into rivers of magma that writhed all over the cavernous nest.
  8. All Evan knew was that he was flying through a tunnel which leaked lava.
  9. Like fighting off a lava flow with a garden hose, it merely crusted the surface until the magma moved on and swept it away.
  10. A village sandwiched between the westernmost peaks of Los Ajaches and the lava of the Timanfaya eruptions that lapped at its northern fringe, Yaiza is all palm trees and raked picón and pure white lines.