English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "laatheid" is die toestand van laat of vertraag wees, of die kwaliteit van laat of agter skedule wees. Dit kan verwys na 'n persoon se gewone neiging om dinge na die verwagte of verlangde tyd te arriveer of te voltooi, of na die vertraagde aankoms of voltooiing van 'n gebeurtenis of taak.

Sentence Examples

  1. As soon as they forced an entrance, they reclosed the door, to keep out the crowd, which collected very fast, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour.
  2. Woodhouse was soon ready for his tea and when he had drank his tea he was quite ready to go home and it was as much as his three companions could do, to entertain away his notice of the lateness of the hour, before the other gentlemen appeared.
  3. She glanced up at the moon, trying to judge the lateness of the evening.
  4. Sancho Panza alone was fuming at the lateness of the hour for retiring to rest and he of all was the one that made himself most comfortable, as he stretched himself on the trappings of his ass, which, as will be told farther on, cost him so dear.
  5. Drianna let the Princess disappear up the street, not concerned about her safety, even with the lateness of the hour.