English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is 'n grondverskuiwing 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na:Die afgly van 'n massa aarde of rots vanaf 'n berg of krans, wat dikwels skade of vernietiging aan strukture veroorsaak of paaie in sy pad.'n Skielike en oorweldigende oorwinning, soos in 'n verkiesing of sportkompetisie.'n Beduidende verandering of verskuiwing in die openbare mening, houdings of gedrag teenoor 'n bepaalde kwessie of politieke party.Die woord "grondverskuiwing" kan beide letterlik gebruik word om 'n geologiese gebeurtenis te beskryf en figuurlik om 'n betekenisvolle gebeurtenis of uitkoms in ander domeine te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. Then members of the Mestarn family began to disappear in seemingly innocent accidents a tehnear attack, or a landslide.
  2. Other than the rubble caused by a small landslide, the surrounding area was flat and barren, without a plant, human, or animal in sight.
  3. He had covered one of the two miles before he remembered that it had been noised abroad that a landslide had been caused by the recent torrential rain and had blocked this higher trail.
  4. He reaches the landslide Paula mentioned, and is pondering if he dares edge across it when the wind gusts and a king wave pounds the rocks below him, covering him in spray.
  5. It looked like a landslide that had scooped out the dirt and been overgrown again, leaving it completely camouflaged.
  6. A landslide blocked the cave entrance, but I used the flammable rock to blow a hole in the cave and escape.