English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "landlyn" is 'n fisiese telefoonlyn wat bedrade verbindings gebruik om stemoproepe oor 'n netwerk van koperdrade of optiese veselkabels te stuur. Dit is 'n vaste telefoonlyn wat aan 'n telefoonnetwerk gekoppel is en tipies in 'n huis of besigheidsperseel geïnstalleer word. Landlyne is 'n tradisionele kommunikasiemiddel wat al vir baie jare in gebruik is, alhoewel die gebruik daarvan in onlangse jare afgeneem het met die koms van selfone en ander draadlose tegnologieë.


  1. land line

Sentence Examples

  1. André grabbed the landline and pressed the receiver to his ear.
  2. Residents are also advised that communication via mobile, landline and post will remain unavailable until further notice and the towns WIFI has been disabled.
  3. The landline is perched at the end beside a silver-plated letter holder.
  4. Georgie blew out a breath and flicked the mobile to silent but vibrating, sorely tempted to take the landline off its hook.
  5. Georgie picked up the ringing landline, frowning at the distraction.
  6. Pressing redial on the landline connected to the local betting agency.
  7. My gaze settles on the landline and the dull green of the unlit message indicator on the console.