English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n taalmodel kan ek jou voorsien van die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "lam". Hier is 'n paar definisies:Selfstandige naamwoord: 'n Jong skaap, veral een wat minder as 'n jaar oud is en nog nie permanente tande ontwikkel het nie. Voorbeeldsin: Die boer het 'n pasgebore lam in die skuur ingebring om dit warm te hou.Werkwoord (gebruik sonder voorwerp): Om geboorte te gee aan 'n lam of lammers. Voorbeeldsin: Die ooi sal in die lente lam.Werkwoord (met voorwerp gebruik): Om geboorte te gee aan ('n lam of lammers). Voorbeeldsin: Die ooi sal vanjaar 'n tweeling lam.Selfstandige naamwoord (informeel): 'n Saggeaarde, onskuldige of naïewe persoon. Voorbeeldsin: Hy is so 'n lam, altyd bereid om ander te help.Selfstandige naamwoord (kulinêr): Die vleis van 'n jong skaap, gebruik as kos. Voorbeeldsin: Sy het 'n heerlike gebraaide lam vir aandete gaargemaak.Neem asseblief kennis dat die woordeboekdefinisie van 'n woord kan verskil na gelang van die konteks en die spesifieke woordeboek waarna verwys word.

Sentence Examples

  1. You perceive, however, that he is neither a lamb, nor a goat, nor a satyr, neither has he much resemblance to the Pan of the Arcadians.
  2. First, I saw goat but this was crossed out, then there was lamb, and that too had a line through it.
  3. Who could have thought that Don Fernando, a highborn gentleman, intelligent, bound to me by gratitude for my services, one that could win the object of his love wherever he might set his affections, could have become so obdurate, as they say, as to rob me of my one ewe lamb that was not even yet in my possession?
  4. Setting the first clipping aside, he flipped to another random page, and with but a few careful snips and a scribbling of the pen, offered one Gordon Cooper as a lamb.
  5. Winchester barked for the servers to clear the plates and bring the lamb at once.
  6. Weston as to pigeon-pies and cold lamb, when a lame carriage-horse threw every thing into sad uncertainty.
  7. Honeyed ham or leg of lamb, Wet dirt or branch of pine, It mattered not what things he got, He made a sandwich fine!
  8. They were food, and she was a less appetising lamb, stuck here until Lucious returned.
  9. No dragon I am, Not even a sheep, But a tender young lamb.
  10. She said, her papa and mamma had promised that Grildrig should be hers but now she found they meant to serve her as they did last year, when they pretended to give her a lamb, and yet, as soon as it was fat, sold it to a butcher.

TV Series Examples



She is a lamb girl, Khaleesi.



The dragon feeds on horse and lamb alike.