English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Meer is 'n groot liggaam vars of soutwater wat deur land omring word. Dit is gewoonlik groter as 'n dam en kan 'n verskeidenheid natuurlike of kunsmatige kenmerke hê, soos eilande, inhamme of strande. Mere kan deur gletser-, vulkaniese of tektoniese prosesse gevorm word, of hulle kan kunsmatig geskep word deur riviere of strome op te dam. Hulle is belangrike ekosisteme wat 'n diverse verskeidenheid plant- en dierelewe ondersteun, en hulle verskaf ook belangrike hulpbronne vir menslike gebruik, soos water vir besproeiing, visvang en ontspanning.

Sentence Examples

  1. I nod to Stephanie and gingerly take a few steps toward the lake, my hands clutched tightly around my camera.
  2. Then I turn toward the lake and point to a distant spot across the water that offers the best composition while taking in the scope of the scene before me.
  3. Shortly before Pennsylvania had become a state, my ancestors developed the sheltered land where the Finnulia River emptied into Crilly Lake at the base of the Wharton Mountains.
  4. We follow the lake for a small time before the cave comes into view.
  5. Finally, I spot the photo I took of the box cave in the side of the mountain, the one located by Eureka Lake.
  6. The path is a switchback down a steep decline and the lake comes into view every few yards, teasing us with its placid blue waters, making us want more.
  7. Days in Wedowee, Alabama, were filled with saying prayers, grace and thanking the Lord for every little thing, even Uncle Jake catching that seven-pound bass in the Fayette County Lake.
  8. As I navigated the roads near the base of the mountains and Crilly Lake, I compiled a list of ways I could check the alibis for Carla, Jordan, and Striker without outright asking them.
  9. The cave was discovered in the mid-1800s by a couple exploring the lake.
  10. We learn that Carmine and Richard spent the morning visiting nearby Beaver Lake on a fishing excursion and Holly enjoyed a private tour of local gardens.