English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van ridderskap is die rang of waardigheid van 'n ridder, of die eienskappe, deugde of gedragskode wat daarmee gepaard gaan om 'n ridder te wees. Histories was ridderskap 'n sosiale klas van Middeleeuse Europa wat militêr-opgeleide, berede krygers ingesluit het wat deur die monarg erken is vir hul diens en dapperheid. Die titel van ridderskap is deur die koning of koningin aan hulle toegeken en het sekere voorregte en pligte meegebring. In moderne tye is ridderskap grootliks 'n seremoniële titel wat deur monarge of ander staatshoofde toegeken word as erkenning vir uitstaande prestasies of bydraes tot die samelewing.

Sentence Examples

  1. Still louder shouted Don Quixote, calling them knaves and traitors, and the lord of the castle, who allowed knights-errant to be treated in this fashion, a villain and a low-born knight whom, had he received the order of knighthood, he would call to account for his treachery.
  2. But these freaks of his guest were not much to the liking of the landlord, so he determined to cut matters short and confer upon him at once the unlucky order of knighthood before any further misadventure could occur so, going up to him, he apologised for the rudeness which, without his knowledge, had been offered to him by these low people, who, however, had been well punished for their audacity.
  3. As Arthur continued to teach his vast assemblage the necessary qualities for knighthood, Lance felt various sets of eyes on him, as though his earlier speech had somehow elevated him in their esteem.
  4. In addition to the unusual act of knighting children, for the first time as king he would grant knighthood to females.
  5. Weapons and fight training in the mornings, lunch, and then Arthur would offer instruction on the ways of knighthood, with discussion and questions afterward.
  6. But still it distressed him to think he had not been dubbed a knight, for it was plain to him he could not lawfully engage in any adventure without receiving the order of knighthood.
  7. A pretty degree of knighthood, sir, is that which can be bought with sugar hogsheads!

TV Series Examples



- He expects a knighthood in good time.