English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "Klondike" is:'n Streek in die noordweste van Kanada, naby die grens van Alaska, waar goud in die laat 19de eeu ontdek is, wat gelei het tot 'n goudstormloop .'n Solitaire kaartspeletjie wat met 'n dek van 52 kaarte gespeel word, waarin die doel is om al die kaarte na die fondasiestapels in die regter boonste hoek te skuif.A situasie waarin 'n persoon of groep moeilike struikelblokke of uitdagings moet oorkom om sukses te behaal of 'n doelwit te bereik.

Sentence Examples

  1. And here, in the Klondike, the leader was indeed the leader.
  2. Different from the Mackenzie toboggans were the Klondike sleds with runners under them.
  3. They cooked for the master and washed the dishes and did other things just as Matt had done up in the Klondike.
  4. He tried to recall anything she had told them about her childhood, aside from the fact that her parents were immigrants from Bohemia and Austria, her father ran off to the Klondike after gold, and her mother died of a broken heart.
  5. With him came the first bull-dog that had ever entered the Klondike.