English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "kip" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene woordeboekdefinisies:(werkwoord) om te slaap of 'n middagslapie te neem, veral gedurende die dag Voorbeeld: Na 'n lang oggend se werk het ek besluit om 'n uur lank te skop voordat ek met my take voortgaan.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n geldeenheid in Laos, gelykstaande aan 1/ 100 van 'n kip Voorbeeld: Toe ek Laos besoek het, het ek my dollars vir kips by die plaaslike bank verruil.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n wegkruipplek of skuiling, veral 'n plek waar iemand kan slaap Voorbeeld: Die stappers het 'n kip in die bos gekry, waar hulle vir die nag kamp kon opslaan.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n salm wat voorberei en genees is deur opgehang te word. om in die buitelug te droog Voorbeeld: Die restaurant het 'n heerlike kipper vir ontbyt bedien, saam met eiers en roosterbrood.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n jong of klein dier, veral 'n jong takbok of konyn Voorbeeld: Die jagter het 'n kip gewaar wat deur die struikgewas skiet, maar dit was te vinnig vir hom om te vang.

Sentence Examples

  1. Kip returned with a tray of four cups and a metal pot of coffee.
  2. So, I took him in and have been teaching Kip all I know ever since.
  3. Kip has really come along, and it is impressive what he has done with it.
  4. Kip was orphaned as a baby, and I decided the world was too cold for such an innocent thing to be alone like that.
  5. Kip stopped and leaned against the side of a building.
  6. After a while, the pain of the procedure and the general discomfort subsided, and Adal and Arija found themselves talking and laughing with Kip.
  7. Every so often, Kip would unknowingly bump into someone trying to get around him, and a barrage of curses would follow as the child tried to apologize to the busy Dwellers.
  8. She was confident that Matty would come through with his promise to fax his finds to the awful but cheap motel where she would again kip for the night and ring with more information that evening.
  9. Adal cracked a smile as Kip shooed the couple away, then turned a smiling face back to them.
  10. Kip sighed and disappeared through the hatch, leaving it open.