English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "doodmaak" is om die dood van 'n lewende organisme te veroorsaak, tipies 'n persoon of 'n dier. Dit kan ook beteken om 'n einde aan iets te maak of om dit heeltemal te vernietig, soos 'n plan, 'n projek of 'n idee. Daarbenewens kan "doodmaak" informeel gebruik word om iets baie goed of suksesvol te doen, soos "Ek het regtig daardie aanbieding doodgemaak."

Sentence Examples

  1. Any chance you know specifically what was used to kill Abby?
  2. Lorraine confirmed his story, but it still leaves time for either to kill Abby during the death window.
  3. Dean Terry might have had time to leave the party, kill Abby, then visit Jordan, but it seemed unlikely.
  4. You might need to fight when your magic is depleted, an enchanted blade can kill anything as easily as sorcery.
  5. I was tempted to use my I know how to kill a man with my bare hands line, but these guys would probably laugh at me.
  6. If I had a few hours to kill, might as well do something productive.
  7. One of the bows was equipped with poison arrows so strong it could kill an elephant within seconds, whilst a dagger had been imbued with a spell powerful enough to disintegrate armour.
  8. Those stings held enough poison to kill you in less than a minute.
  9. Abruptly the fear that froze her shattered, the demon was going to kill him.
  10. Pretending I could walk out of the shadow of a name other people would kill to have, without the compulsion to glance over my shoulder at every turn.

TV Series Examples



And if he does, l'll kill him.



Someone tried to kill him twice.



Fire cannot kill a dragon.



No dragon. Brave men kill them.



- asked them to kill their brothers.



I'll kill every Targaryen I get my hands on.