English to afrikaans meaning of

"Kent" kan verskeie betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlikhede:'n Provinsie in Suidoos-Engeland.'n Manlike voornaam.'n Handelsmerk sigarette. 'n Middeleeuse helm.'n Geldeenheid wat in Thailand gebruik word.'n Van.Sonder meer konteks is dit moeilik om bepaal watter van hierdie betekenisse die mees relevant is.

Sentence Examples

  1. His battlefield endeavors had provided him political status as the member of Parliament for Kent.
  2. And as tall as he was, it gave him a very Clark Kent look.
  3. Leo and Florence stayed in the PackardEver since they left Kent Parrot, neither of them had spoken or glanced any way but straight ahead.
  4. In the center of the room was a wide wooden counter where the barkeeps worked, one of whom was a man I knew as Kent Smith, the owner of the inn and a friend of Garf.
  5. Docks, hospitals, wharves, a Gothic cathedral, a government house, macadamised streets, give to Hong Kong the appearance of a town in Kent or Surrey transferred by some strange magic to the antipodes.
  6. In theory if there were risings in Kent, the Midlands and Suffolk, Parliament would not be able to stop them all and popular support would flood towards the ones not being suppressed and the movement would grow organically.