English to afrikaans meaning of

Behou is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat kan verwys na die handeling om iets vas te hou of in stand te hou, of die toestand van gehou of in stand gehou word. Dit kan ook verwys na die versorging of beskerming van iets, of die handeling om besit van iets te behou. Daarbenewens kan dit gebruik word om 'n verhouding te beskryf, soos 'n romantiese of seksuele verhouding tussen twee mense wat nie getroud is nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. She knew better than to press her father and risk his keeping a closer eye on her.
  2. Winnie sits to my right, also keeping me occupied with her one hundred questions about the cave.
  3. Setting aside her assertion that it was better if no one knew too much, keeping him ignorant made sense.
  4. The Alliance were sticklers for keeping paperwork up to date.
  5. I keep moving, hoping the momentum will help me remain on my feet, and quickly slip the camera into my jacket pocket for safe keeping.
  6. It appeared he had been keeping his suspicions about the House under wraps, which meant he would have had to feign normalcy around his wife.
  7. Evan suspected Jed was as scared as the others, but he was keeping up his cheerful façade to make Evan feel better.
  8. My father was passionate about keeping the authenticity of a traditional log cabin while my mom required all the modern conveniences.
  9. Reece, my gorgeous Cajun landlord, comes to mind and that childish grin keeps on keeping on.
  10. He held her from behind, keeping her steady as he guided her through the correct foot movements when sparring.