English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bewaarder" is 'n persoon of ding wat iets of iemand bewaar of beskerm. Dit kan ook verwys na iemand wat vir 'n bepaalde ding sorg, soos 'n eiendom of 'n dier, of iemand wat verantwoordelik is vir die handhawing van die veiligheid en sekuriteit van 'n plek of 'n voorwerp. In sport is 'n "wagter" 'n ander term vir 'n doelwagter, die speler wat die doel in speletjies soos sokker of hokkie verdedig. Die woord "wagter" kan ook as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat die moeite werd is om te bewaar of te bewaar.

Sentence Examples

  1. The keeper, seeing that the fugitives were now some distance off, once more entreated and warned him as before but he replied that he heard him, and that he need not trouble himself with any further warnings or entreaties, as they would be fruitless, and bade him make haste.
  2. Kallan moved too quickly, snatching the keys from their keeper.
  3. However, for most of us, it sleeps, available for the host to use, but never awakened, its keeper unaware of its presence.
  4. Awed by the contrast, the key keeper followed the folds of silver and blue up the slender body of his queen who stood like a beacon amid the desolation.
  5. During the delay that occurred while the keeper was opening the first cage, Don Quixote was considering whether it would not be well to do battle on foot, instead of on horseback, and finally resolved to fight on foot, fearing that Rocinante might take fright at the sight of the lions he therefore sprang off his horse, flung his lance aside, braced his buckler on his arm, and drawing his sword, advanced slowly with marvellous intrepidity and resolute courage, to plant himself in front of the cart, commending himself with all his heart to God and to his lady Dulcinea.
  6. The book on her corner table was her current grade keeper.
  7. The keeper unlocked a door that loudly whined as he pulled it open to reveal a stone pit devoid of sound and light.
  8. Dillon looked back out the window as Troy went about doing whatever is was that he did as the gate keeper.
  9. He of the green gaban would have offered resistance, but he found himself ill-matched as to arms, and did not think it prudent to come to blows with a madman, for such Don Quixote now showed himself to be in every respect and the latter, renewing his commands to the keeper and repeating his threats, gave warning to the gentleman to spur his mare, Sancho his Dapple, and the carter his mules, all striving to get away from the cart as far as they could before the lions broke loose.
  10. Seeing this, Don Quixote ordered the keeper to take a stick to him and provoke him to make him come out.