English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "net" het verskeie betekenisse na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:Byvoeglike naamwoord: regverdig of onpartydig; gebaseer op wat moreel reg of redelik is.Voorbeeld: "Die regter het 'n regverdige besluit geneem."Bywoord: presies, presies, of slegs.Voorbeeld: "Ek het net vyf minute nodig om hierdie taak te voltooi."Bywoord: onlangs, baie onlangs, of 'n kort tydjie gelede.Voorbeeld: "Ek het sopas met hom oor die telefoon gepraat."Bywoord: skaars , net-net, of met 'n smal kantlyn.Voorbeeld: "Sy het sopas daarin geslaag om die eksamen te slaag."Syvoegwoord: gebruik om aan te dui dat iets aan die gebeur is op die oomblik dat 'n ander aksie plaasvind.Voorbeeld: "Net toe ek vertrek, lui die telefoon."Tussenwerpsel: gebruik om verbasing, ontsteltenis of protes uit te druk.Voorbeeld: "Kyk net die gemors wat jy gemaak het!"


  1. fair

Sentence Examples

  1. I swear she carried a stun gun just to watch people dance for her own pleasure sometimes.
  2. Kellan is also witty and snarky, but intended in a lovable and charming way, just like his eccentric grandmother, Nana D.
  3. The things he could do to my body just by winking at me.
  4. Just as I thought Lorraine was going to back away, she gasped.
  5. Just the minimum until we finish testing it next week.
  6. Just to put the final check mark on his alibi, I asked if he knew any good mattress stores, claiming I was in the market to find a new one.
  7. Was he learning how to be less combative with other people, just not me?
  8. For someone who potentially killed Abby or just lost his friend, it was curious.
  9. Sheriff Montague would undoubtedly haul me to jail just for her laughs and revenge.
  10. I was just here in December, and you could have said something.

TV Series Examples



l could just hold my sword out



might just be the cold.



A guardsman just rode in from the hills.



But you just stood there and watched.



500 men just stood there and watched.



But you've just invaded their homeland,