English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "aansluiting" is 'n punt waar twee of meer dinge saamgevoeg of saamgevoeg word. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n plek waar twee of meer paaie, spoorlyne of ander vervoerroetes mekaar ontmoet of kruis. Daarbenewens kan "aansluiting" gebruik word om 'n verband of vereniging tussen twee of meer elemente of entiteite te beskryf, hetsy fisies of abstrak.


  1. adjunction

Sentence Examples

  1. At Callyan they reached the junction of the branch line which descends towards south-eastern India by Kandallah and Pounah and, passing Pauwell, they entered the defiles of the mountains, with their basalt bases, and their summits crowned with thick and verdant forests.
  2. The closer to the junction they got the less zombies there were.
  3. Vents and grates and junction boxes were scattered across the roof.
  4. It was like this in Chicago Junction City, Kansas Vietnam LaFayette, Ind.
  5. Passepartout started off forthwith, and found himself in the streets of Allahabad, that is, the City of God, one of the most venerated in India, being built at the junction of the two sacred rivers, Ganges and Jumna, the waters of which attract pilgrims from every part of the peninsula.
  6. He was so lost in thought, he failed not only to see the STOP sign at the junction but also Jake, who was crossing the road without looking in either direction.
  7. Walking quickly but quietly, Cam made his way to the junction and peeped around.
  8. He crossed over Bridge Street and rounded the corner by the junction of Abbey Road and Commercial Road.
  9. The train, on leaving Sacramento, and passing the junction, Roclin, Auburn, and Colfax, entered the range of the Sierra Nevada.
  10. When we caught up to Kay, we found him at a junction in the maze of endless corridors, talking to a tall blond guy I assumed must be Simon.