English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "jongleur" is 'n persoon wat met verskeie voorwerpe, tipies balle of ander klein items, vaardig kan jongleren deur dit herhaaldelik in die lug te gooi en te vang. Die term kan ook verwys na iemand wat betrokke is by bedrog of bedrog, of wat in staat is om veelvuldige take of verantwoordelikhede gelyktydig te bestuur.

Sentence Examples

  1. The juggler I had seen before appeared keeping five swords aloft, handling them by the blades without once so much as nicking his fingers.
  2. The juggler approached and handed him a flaming torch.
  3. Such exhibitions were not uncommon among the Indians, and as Duncan was already sufficiently disguised in his dress, there certainly did exist some reason for believing that, with his knowledge of French, he might pass for a juggler from Ticonderoga, straggling among the allied and friendly tribes.