English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "jaloers" is om afguns of wrok teenoor iemand te voel as gevolg van hul prestasies, besittings of voordele, of teenoor iemand wat hulle liefhet as gevolg van hul liefde teenoor ander. Dit kan ook beteken om oormatig beskermend of besitlik teenoor iemand of iets te wees.


  1. covetous
  2. envious

Sentence Examples

  1. To be honest, I thought a lot of people were jealous a lot of the time and that was why they did so many stupid things.
  2. Of magic prince, of Zoroastric lore Monarch and treasurer, with jealous eye I view the efforts of the age to hide The gallant deeds of doughty errant knights, Who are, and ever have been, dear to me.
  3. It was quite evident that he feared, or was jealous of, some interference.
  4. The realization that they were a couple made me feel sick and insanely jealous.
  5. That is also the reason why I was feeling a bit jealous of you, a moment ago, when you told me that you know the Tube system like the back of your hand.
  6. I was surprised to feel slightly jealous at the thought.
  7. Lance followed, jealous that someone, anyone, waited for them at their destination.
  8. Should he say it, or might the others be jealous if he showed such favoritism?
  9. The nobles were growing increasingly jealous of our successes and wanted to curtail us.
  10. But I think he might be jealous of the way folks naturally enjoy Gregg but not him.