English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "jazz" is 'n musiekgenre wat gedurende die laat 19de en vroeƫ 20ste eeu in Afro-Amerikaanse gemeenskappe ontstaan het. Jazzmusiek word gekenmerk deur improvisasie, gesinkopeerde ritmes en 'n sterk swaaigevoel. Die term "jazz" word ook gebruik om 'n tipe houding of energie te beskryf, wat dikwels geassosieer word met opwinding, spontaniteit en kreatiwiteit.

Sentence Examples

  1. The patrons came for the atmosphere of a jazz scene, which Lukas supplied them with in spades, his low, sultry notes laced with the tiniest bit of the North Wind that lived in his lungs.
  2. From Mozart to Vivaldi, classic jazz to classic rock, he feels naked without his iPod.
  3. A rousing verse, a mangled rose, a sigh of jazz all sings your absence.
  4. Behind in the small information shop a radio was playing jazz songs and news reports.
  5. Chicago Bulls playing Utah Jazz for the championship up in Utah and me not giving a rank fart.
  6. When Alyssa was in fifth grade, he had pulled her out of tap, jazz, and ballet classes because her teacher had rewarded all the ballet students with lollipops.
  7. It spoke to me the way a good jazz record speaks to me.
  8. The horns, the siren faded, and from the bedroom there was the faint sound of the jazz station she liked.
  9. He recognized the sound as jazz and the cloud resolved into a car.
  10. They found a jazz station playing ragtime and turned up the radio.