English to afrikaans meaning of

Japan is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n land in Oos-Asië, geleë in die Stille Oseaan. Die woord "Japan" kan ook verwys na die Japannese argipel, wat uit vier hoofeilande en talle kleineres bestaan. Die land is bekend vir sy unieke kultuur, geskiedenis, kookkuns en tegnologie. Die hoofstad van Japan is Tokio, en die amptelike taal is Japannees.

Sentence Examples

  1. He helped himself as generously as if Japan were a desert, where nothing to eat was to be looked for.
  2. This is an important port of call in the Pacific, where all the mail-steamers, and those carrying travellers between North America, China, Japan, and the Oriental islands put in.
  3. Chance had strangely favoured Phileas Fogg, for had not the Carnatic been forced to lie over for repairing her boilers, she would have left on the 6th of November, and the passengers for Japan would have been obliged to await for a week the sailing of the next steamer.
  4. I gave him a short account of some particulars, and made my story as plausible and consistent as I could but I thought it necessary to disguise my country, and call myself a Hollander, because my intentions were for Japan, and I knew the Dutch were the only Europeans permitted to enter into that kingdom.
  5. He found himself on the way to Japan, and what should he do when he got there?
  6. The vessel was an English merchantman returning from Japan by the North and South seas the captain, Mr.
  7. That this breed of struldbrugs was peculiar to their country, for there were no such people either in Balnibarbi or Japan, where he had the honor to be ambassador from his majesty, and found the natives in both those kingdoms very hard to believe that the fact was possible, and it appeared from my astonishment when he first mentioned the matter to me, that I received it as a thing wholly new, and scarcely to be credited.
  8. This island of Luggnagg stands southeastward of Japan, about a hundred leagues distant.
  9. Passepartout wandered for several hours in the midst of this motley crowd, looking in at the windows of the rich and curious shops, the jewellery establishments glittering with quaint Japanese ornaments, the restaurants decked with streamers and banners, the tea-houses, where the odorous beverage was being drunk with saki, a liquor concocted from the fermentation of rice, and the comfortable smoking-houses, where they were puffing, not opium, which is almost unknown in Japan, but a very fine, stringy tobacco.
  10. Hong Kong was the last English ground on which he would set foot beyond, China, Japan, America offered to Fogg an almost certain refuge.