English to afrikaans meaning of

Daar is verskeie betekenisse vir die woord "konfyt" afhangende van die konteks, hier is 'n paar van die algemeenste:'n Soet smeer gemaak van vrugte en suiker wat gewoonlik op brood geëet word of heildronk.'n Oorvol of geblokkeerde situasie, soos verkeer of 'n oorvol ruimte, waar beweging moeilik of onmoontlik is.'n Soort musiek wat in Jamaika ontstaan het, gekenmerk deur 'n sterk maatslag en klem op ritme en bas.Om iets styf in 'n beperkte ruimte te druk of in te druk.Om vas te sit of vasgevang te raak, dikwels as gevolg van opeenhoping of oorbevolking.Om musiek in 'n groep uit te voer of te improviseer, tipies sonder vooraf beplanning.Om in 'n moeilike situasie te wees, soos 'n dilemma of 'n penarie. Hierdie is net 'n paar van die betekenisse van die woord "konfyt", aangesien dit verskillende konnotasies kan hê op grond van konteks en gebruik.

Sentence Examples

  1. Quietly, she opened the bag and set out meat, bread and jam on a plate that she gave to Tarkyn with a flask of water.
  2. So she accepted the bread and jam with a beaming smile.
  3. After several failed attempts, we finally crawled up and over the biggest log jam of all.
  4. The man in the black suit, he who liked to jam needles into me, appeared at the end of the hall.
  5. Judging by the traffic jam, Harry presumed the bridge toll booths had been shut, that would explain no traffic coming the other way.
  6. I could have stayed in the hospital and let them jam tubes and needles in me forever, but to hell with that.
  7. Tarkyn thought for a moment then pointed separately to the meat, bread and jam and put his hand on his heart and his head on an angle after each one.
  8. We were in a secluded area of the creek, and even though we could hear the mighty waters crashing above us, a huge log jam blocked our view of the falls.
  9. So then Tarkyn awkwardly spread some jam on a piece of bread, using his one available hand, and held it out to her.
  10. She smiled and nodded in response to the bread and jam but pulled her mouth down at the meat.