English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onweerstaanbaar" is iets wat nie weerstaan, geweier of vermy kan word nie omdat dit te aantreklik, aantreklik, kragtig of dwingend is. Dit is 'n eienskap of eienskap wat so aanloklik, fassinerend of oorweldigend is dat dit 'n persoon se wilskrag, selfbeheersing of oordeel oorweldig, wat dit onmoontlik maak om te weerstaan of te oorkom. Dit kan verwys na 'n persoon, 'n idee, 'n emosie, 'n versoeking, 'n begeerte, 'n sjarme of 'n natuurkrag wat eenvoudig te dwingend of aanloklik is om te ignoreer of te weerstaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. She recognized she still had intense feelings for Carl, but the allure and power pulling her toward Alec was strangely irresistible.
  2. Trouble was, it was always there, as irresistible as a drug, and about as safe as juggling lit matches.
  3. The torrent of men, armed with loaded canes and sticks, was irresistible.
  4. He struggled against the nearly irresistible desire to return her energy.
  5. A little while before, when there was no prospect of proceeding on the journey, he had made up his mind to leave Fort Kearney but now that the train was there, ready to start, and he had only to take his seat in the car, an irresistible influence held him back.
  6. At last, having seen the Parsee carnival wind away in the distance, he was turning his steps towards the station, when he happened to espy the splendid pagoda on Malabar Hill, and was seized with an irresistible desire to see its interior.
  7. The shock of the descending mass struck her, consequently, in that portion of her frame which was already under water, and the inevitable result was to hurl me, with irresistible violence, upon the rigging of the stranger.
  8. Sylosh had known that the combination of the two would be irresistible to his son.
  9. The opportunity was too ripe, and the circumstances, irresistible.
  10. Was he being devoured by one of those secret rages, all the more terrible because contained, and which only burst forth, with an irresistible force, at the last moment?