English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "betrek" is om iemand of iets in te sluit of te beïnvloed as 'n noodsaaklike of belangrike deel of faktor. Dit kan ook beteken om die deelname of teenwoordigheid van iemand of iets in 'n aktiwiteit of situasie te vereis, of om te veroorsaak dat iemand geassosieer word met of geïmpliseer word in 'n bepaalde situasie of aktiwiteit. Daarbenewens kan "betrek" beteken om iemand se aandag of belangstelling te betrek of te trek, of om iemand deel te maak van iets, dikwels op 'n aktiewe of deelnemende manier.

Sentence Examples

  1. However, it is rarely those who thought to directly involve themselves.
  2. She would not speak to the others or involve herself in their mischief.
  3. Leaving that message, whatever it was, in the mud and my license plate beside a dented tree were sloppy attempts to involve me.
  4. She would have been too happy but for poor Harriet but every blessing of her own seemed to involve and advance the sufferings of her friend, who must now be even excluded from Hartfield.
  5. If they knew where I was, would they still involve the police?
  6. It was only supposed to involve a walk down the sidewalk and back.
  7. Don Quixote, when he saw that not one of the four travellers took any notice of him or replied to his challenge, was furious and ready to die with indignation and wrath and if he could have found in the ordinances of chivalry that it was lawful for a knight-errant to undertake or engage in another enterprise, when he had plighted his word and faith not to involve himself in any until he had made an end of the one to which he was pledged, he would have attacked the whole of them, and would have made them return an answer in spite of themselves.
  8. Finally she decided upon what was the worse course for her, to remain, resolving not to fly from the presence of Lothario, that she might not give food for gossip to her servants and she now began to regret having written as she had to her husband, fearing he might imagine that Lothario had perceived in her some lightness which had impelled him to lay aside the respect he owed her but confident of her rectitude she put her trust in God and in her own virtuous intentions, with which she hoped to resist in silence all the solicitations of Lothario, without saying anything to her husband so as not to involve him in any quarrel or trouble and she even began to consider how to excuse Lothario to Anselmo when he should ask her what it was that induced her to write that letter.
  9. Nostromos is supposed to be a neutral ground between the two neither can claim it part of their territory, and any conflict that comes between the two cannot involve the citizens.
  10. Precautions should never involve armed men occupying a building meant to care for the sick and wounded.

TV Series Examples



Does it involve the potential