English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "onwillekeurig" is:byvoeglike naamwoord:Nie gewillig gedoen nie; nie opsetlik nie; gedoen sonder 'n mens se bewuste beheer.Nie onderworpe aan 'n mens se beheer of keuse nie; nie vrywillig nie.Voorbeeldsinne:Sy onwillekeurige terugdeins het sy vrees vir die donker gewys.Haar onwillekeurige reaksie op die medisyne het 'n uitslag op haar vel veroorsaak.Hy is in die weermag opgeneem, so sy diens was onwillekeurig.

Sentence Examples

  1. An involuntary spasm caused the hard muscles in his stomach and arms to contract.
  2. It could have easily passed for a lantern in the dark, and I let out an involuntary gasp of surprise.
  3. The realization of his loss caused an involuntary whimper.
  4. His cool touch against her bare skin sent an involuntary shiver down her spine.
  5. After the involuntary shrinking consequent on the first nauseous whiff, we one and all set about our work as though that loathsome place were a garden of roses.
  6. His breathing grew labored, involuntary grunts escaping him.
  7. An involuntary motion of surprise nearly escaped him, for the description in the passport was identical with that of the bank robber which he had received from Scotland Yard.
  8. Passepartout, the involuntary cause of this delay, was desperate.
  9. Everon ignored his own growing suspicions about Cyn, involuntary moisture forming on the surface of his eyes.
  10. An involuntary and exasperated huff escapes my lungs.