English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "intimidasie" is die handeling om iemand bang of bedreig te laat voel, dikwels om hulle te dwing om iets te doen of om hulle te ontmoedig om iets te doen. Dit kan die gebruik van fisiese of sielkundige taktieke behels om vrees of angs by die slagoffer te skep. Intimidasie kan ook verwys na die gevoel van geïntimideer of geïntimideer gedrag.


  1. bullying

Sentence Examples

  1. Anyone who got tired or winded and stopped to rest was subjected to the intimidation of the trainers.
  2. But Alex showed not the slightest sign of intimidation.
  3. The arrest comes in the wake of police investigations on the circulation of leaflets calling on people believed to be adherents of the outlawed Mungiki sect to arise and protect themselves from alleged government harassment and intimidation.