English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "internasionaal" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat verband hou met of veelvuldige nasies of lande betrek. Dit verwys na iets wat buite nasionale grense strek of samewerking, kommunikasie of interaksie tussen verskillende nasies behels. "Internasionaal" kan ook organisasies, geleenthede, ooreenkomste of kwessies beskryf wat deelnemers of komponente van verskeie lande betrek.Die term "internasionaal" kan gebruik word om 'n globale of wêreldwye omvang aan te dui, wat die betrokkenheid of invloed van verskeie nasies. Dit beklemtoon die breë of universele aard van 'n bepaalde konsep, aktiwiteit of verskynsel.

Sentence Examples

  1. If this is an international crisis what can we do?
  2. Lanzarote has a big problem with international capital.
  3. An hour after, they were once more suitably attired, and with Aouda returned to the International Hotel.
  4. Taking a carriage at a charge of three dollars, he and Aouda entered it, while Passepartout mounted the box beside the driver, and they set out for the International Hotel.
  5. Harry clicked the forty-inch plasma on, and channel hopped until he found the international news channel.
  6. Hopefully it was the national army, or international corps, deployed at full force.
  7. But to kill a whole family, a British family at that, would cause a scandal of international proportions.
  8. After landing at the Buffalo Niagara International Airport on a miserable mid-February afternoon, I rented a Jeep to trek another ninety miles south into Pennsylvania.
  9. The Crescent City had long outgrown its airport and progressive politicians had suggested a larger international airport almost halfway between Baton Rouge and New Orleans with a light rail in between but the idea never took.
  10. When Passepartout reached the International Hotel, it did not seem to him as if he had left England at all.