English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "verskerp" is 'n werkwoord wat beteken om in graad of intensiteit toe te neem, om sterker te maak, of om meer intens te word. Dit verwys dikwels na die proses om iets meer ekstreem, kragtig of ernstig te maak. Dit kan gebruik word om 'n wye reeks situasies te beskryf, soos emosies, konflikte, aksies, sensasies of effekte. Wanneer iets versterk word, word dit meer uitgesproke, vererger of kragtiger.


  1. deepen

Sentence Examples

  1. Thinking about Thor was only making the ache in my neck intensify so I gave up and turned my full attention to the sand.
  2. The sound of it only served to intensify her uneasiness.
  3. Their troubles intensify when birds eat the crumbs and the path is lost.
  4. None of them made a sound, and the silence seemed to intensify the hostility they exuded.