English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "intellektueel" het veelvuldige betekenisse, afhangende van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar woordeboekdefinisies van die woord:Selfstandige naamwoord: a. 'n Persoon wat betrokke is by of belangstel in intellektuele aktiwiteite, soos kritiese denke, studie of besinning oor komplekse idees. b. 'n Hoogs opgevoede of kundige persoon.Byvoeglike naamwoord: a. Verwant aan of betrek die intellek of die vermoƫ tot rasionele denke. b. Gekenmerk deur of vereis gevorderde studie, denke of verstandelike aktiwiteit.Oor die algemeen verwys "intellektueel" na die kapasiteit vir intellektuele strewes, soos redenering, kritiese denke en verwerwing kennis, of iemand wat aktief betrokke is by sulke aktiwiteite.


  1. intellect

Sentence Examples

  1. Miss Bates stood in the very worst predicament in the world for having much of the public favour and she had no intellectual superiority to make atonement to herself, or frighten those who might hate her into outward respect.
  2. No such importation of novelties could enrich their intellectual stores at present.
  3. I had a growing conviction that this sudden change of his entire intellectual method was but yet another form or phase of his madness, and so determined to let him go on a little longer, knowing from experience that he would, like all lunatics, give himself away in the end.
  4. He had simply lost sight of her and her part in the affair in his intellectual effort.
  5. As I sat waiting for the plane, I thought back on our experience, and my intellectual musings and conclusions were mixed with emotions.
  6. It is wonderful, however, what intellectual recuperative power lunatics have, for within a few minutes he stood up quite calmly and looked around him.
  7. Weston, only half a mile from them, and a Miss Taylor in the house and with all her advantages, natural and domestic, she was now in great danger of suffering from intellectual solitude.
  8. As he entered the art-deco Parkinson Building at the top end of the campus, he felt a deep respect for the intellectual mind.
  9. It was also home to the Great Library, thus making Alexandria an intellectual capital of the world.
  10. With his pale, beautiful, and intellectual face, as a reminder of what genius was in him, it was impossible, of course, not to treat him always with deferential courtesy, and, to our occasional request that he would not probe too deep in a criticism, or that he would erase a passage colored too highly with his resentments against society and mankind, he readily and courteously assented-far more yielding than most men, we thought, on points so excusably sensitive.